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Faculty Support

  • Graduate Council

    - The Graduate Council sets policy and advises the Director and Vice President.

  • Graduate Coordinators

    - Coordinators oversee student recruitment, admission, advising, and degree completion.

  • Accelerated Master’s Degrees

    - High-achieving students can complete bachelor's and master's degrees with one year of study.

  • Postdoctoral Scholars

    - A Postdoc is defined as a position for individuals that have completed their doctoral degree.

  • Dates & Deadlines

    - Check out the important dates and deadlines for your upcoming tasks.

  • Forms

    - List of graduate student and faculty issues documents.


Graduate Faculty Membership Requirements

University requirements for Graduate Faculty membership are set forth in Article IV of the Bylaws.

Departments and Schools may also have additional membership criteria, but are not required to do so. Any departmental or school requirements must be in addition to those enumerated in the bylaws. Contact your departments/schools for additional requirements.


Graduate Data

News Stories

Illinois State University bridge
This communication is an update on important developments in contract [...]
Milner Library
HR news and notes features information about upcoming Learning opportunities, [...]
A male college student with brown curly hair and glasses wearing a mask, blue shirt, and jeans sits at a small round table with a female college student with long brown hair wearing a grey sweater and a male elementary school student who is looking at a workbook
Through the Professional Development Schools (PDS) program in the School of [...]
Ruth Burke headshot on red background with mic and feather
Ruth Burke, an assistant professor of video in the Wonsook Kim College of Fine [...]