Graduate Student Awards
University Teaching Awards
Alexis Quick, School of Communication
Level I: Master's degree graduate assistants with the sole responsibility of instruction for a course.
Sorensen Distinguished Dissertation Award Winner
Dr. Helen Plevka-Jones
College of Arts & Sciences, Department of English: "Resonance: A Methodology and Pedagogy for Socially Just Storytelling"
University Level Fisher Thesis Award Winners
Rashmi Dangol, University Fisher Thesis Award Winner
College of Applied Science & Technology, Department of Agriculture: "Performance of Pennycress in Some Illinois Cropping Systems"
Mojde Kalantari, University Fisher Thesis Award Runner-Up
Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts , School of Creative Technologies: “The Development of a Young Adults Cancer Patient Peer Match Application"
College Level Fisher Thesis Award Winners
Xan Daggett
College of Arts & Sciences, Department of English: "Digital Safe Spaces: Nonbinary Community Building on Tiktok"
Gracious Donkor
College of Arts and Sciences, School of Biological Sciences: “Investigating the Antibiotic Potentiating Effects of a Novel Reactive Oxidant Species-Generating Antimicrobial"
Julia Martin
College of Education, School of Teaching & Learning: "When Curriculum Comes to Life: Making French Language (L2) Acquisition a Lived Experience and the Effect of Students' Progression Towards Proficiency"
Courtney Ebersole
College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Sociology & Anthropology: "Let’s Talk About Sex (Work), Baby: Women College S tudents and Their Experiences Producing Online Sex Work"