Thesis and Dissertation Awards
Clarence W. Sorensen Distinguished Dissertation Award
The Clarence W. Sorensen Distinguished Dissertation Award recognizes in a University-wide competition completed dissertations of the highest quality.Dissertations are nominated in the fall semester by academic departments/schools. The competition is open to students who have earned a doctorate at ISU during the preceding Fall, Spring, or Summer term. Students who have completed a dissertation but will graduate in a later semester will be eligible for the competition following their graduation. A student does not need to be on campus to be eligible for the competition.At most one dissertation is chosen from among those nominated. Prize money accompanies this award.
James L. Fisher Outstanding Thesis Competition
The James L. Fisher Outstanding Thesis Competition promotes recognition of graduate theses of the highest quality. Departments/Schools nominate thesis for awards. These are reviewed by college committees. College winners and runners-up receive prize money. The top thesis as judged by the University Research Council will be submitted to a regional competition sponsored by the Midwest Association of Graduate School. The competition is open to students who have earned the Master's degree during the preceding Fall, Spring, or Summer term. A student does not need to be on campus to be eligible for the competition.
Teaching Awards
Every year the University honors with awards graduate teaching assistants who make outstanding contributions to teaching as part of their program and educational experience at Illinois State University. For full details, please visit the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology Website.